This is a daily dump of Odds, Fire and Race data retrieved from APIs and compiled by Hawku.

UPDATE 06/05/2023 - Separated out Horse Race Data and race data from 01/01/2023-06/01/2023 to its own file due to size limitations. UPDATE 01/24/2023 - Separated out Horse Race Data and race data from 06/01/2022-01/01/2023 to its own file due to size limitations. UPDATE 10/07/2022 - Separated out Horse Race Data from 06/01/2022-09/01/2022 to its own file due to size limitations. UPDATE 06/11/2022 - Separated out Horse Race Data from 03/01/2022-06/01/2022 to its own file due to size limitations. UPDATE 03/19/2022 - Separated out Horse Race Data from 12/01/2021-03/01/2022 to its own file due to size limitations. UPDATE 12/08/2021 - Separated out Horse Race Data from 8/1/2021-11/30/2021 to its own file due to size limitations. Also added stable and stable name to horse data. Please note: Stable names and wallets may not be completely up to date. No promises :) UPDATE 9/14/2021 - Download and save this Example Zed Data Jupyter Lab notebook to see examples on how to analyze this data UPDATE 8/24/2021 - Horse race data now has a fire field and has been split into before 8/1 and after 8/1 to get rid of size limitations.

You are free to use this data for any purpose. In lieu of a payment, if you end up publishing anything based on this data, please give credit or give attribution to - or on twitter to @hawku_com. Thank you!

Examples include but are not limited to:

Thank you @hawku_com!
Data provided by @hawku_com
credit: - please feed your horses!
(or come up with your own :))

Last Updated:

race data between 01/01/2023 and 05/01/
horse race data between 01/01/2023 and 05/01/
race data between 09/01/2022 and 01/01/
horse race data between 09/01/2022 and 01/01/
race data between 06/01/2022 and 9/01/
horse race data between 06/01/2022 and 9/01/
race data between 03/01/2022 and 6/01/
horse race data between 03/01/2022 and 6/01/
race data between 12/01/2021 and 3/01/
horse race data between 12/01/2021 and 3/01/
race data between 08/1/2021 and 11/30/
horse race data between 08/1/2021 and 11/30/
\ (starting on 12/1/2021)

Also, the last few days of odds are now (in theory) stored by date like /daily/2021-12-06_horse_race_data.csv and /daily/2021-12-06_race.csv. Please use these if you are accessing it frequently.